4.3 Technical Issues of Linux on IBM System
Refer to the following documents to get in-depth technical information about Linux
kernel and application topics. Refer to the Internet for up-to-date versions of these
documents for the most recent code drop (
• Linux for zSeries and S/390: Device Drivers, Features, and Commands
• zSeries ELF Application Binary Interface Supplement
• Linux for zSeries and S/390: Using the Dump Tools
• IBM-System z9-109 Technical Introduction (SG26-6669)
There also is a Redbook for Linux application development on
• Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Application Development (SG24-6807)
4.4 Advanced Configurations for Linux on
IBM System z
Refer to the following Redbooks, Redpapers, and links for some more complex IBM
System z scenarios:
• Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Large Scale Deployment (SG24-6824)
• Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Performance Measuring and Tuning
• Linux with zSeries and ESS: Essentials (SG24-7025)
• IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Implementing ESS Copy Services
with IBM eServer zSeries (SG24-5680)
Architecture-Specific Information