4 Further In-Depth Information about
IBM System z
IBM has published a number of very interesting documents about their System z plat-
form. Find them either on the Internet (
) or in
your installed system (package
) under
4.1 Hardware
For a first glance at the technical details of some systems, refer to:
• IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Introduction (SG24-6863)
• IBM eServer zSeries 900: Technical Guide (SG24-5975)
• Technical Introduction: IBM eServer zSeries 800 (SG24-6515)
• Linux on zSeries Fibre Channel Protocol Implementation Guide (SG24-6344)
4.2 General Documents about Linux on IBM
System z
A general coverage of Linux on IBM System z can be found in the following documents:
• Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: ISP and ASP Solutions (SG24-6299)
These documents might not reflect the current state of Linux, but the principles of
Linux deployment outlined there remain accurate.