Chapter 3 OEM7 Receiver Operation
OEM7 Installation and Operation User Manual v4
Transfer COARSE Time (<10 ms) from a Fine Clock to a Cold Clock GPS
1. Connect a COM, USB or Ethernet port from the fine clock receiver to the cold clock receiver
(for example, COM2 on the fine clock receiver to COM3 on the cold clock receiver) as shown
Figure 25: Transfer COARSE Time from Fine Clock to Cold Clock Receiver
below. Configure
both ports to the same baud rate and handshaking configurations.
2. Issue the following command to the fine clock receiver:
log com2 timesyncb ontime 1
3. Issue the following command to the cold clock receiver:
adjust1pps time
When the cold clock receiver receives the
log, it sets its clock with a 100 ms trans-
fer delay allowance.
Figure 25: Transfer COARSE Time from Fine Clock to Cold Clock Receiver
Transfer FINE Time (<50 ns) from a Fine Clock to a Cold Clock GPS Receiver
1. Connect a COM, USB or Ethernet port from the fine clock receiver to the cold clock receiver
(for example, COM2 on the fine clock receiver to COM3 on the cold clock receiver), as shown
Figure 26: Transfer FINE Time from Fine Clock to Cold Clock Receiver
Configure both ports to the same baud rate and handshaking configurations.
2. Issue the following command to the fine clock receiver:
log com2 timesyncb ontime 1
3. Connect the 1PPS signal of the fine clock receiver to the Mark 1 input (Event1) of the cold
clock receiver.