Shows that the game is set back to the beginning of the game by activating the RESTORE
The last move of the game has been made, there are no other moves stored in the memory.
The SET LEVEL key has just been pressed. You will see the selected level after 1 second.
Tournament level 10 has been selected and is now effective.
Average Time playing level 11 has been selected and is now effective.
Fixed Time level 12 has been selected and is now effective.
Sudden Death playing level 13 has been selected and is now effective. Clocks will count
down to zero time.
Fixed Depth playing level 2 is selected and now effective. The computer will only analyze
every move for only 2 half moves.
Analysis level 3 is selected and is now effective.
Easy level 5 is selected and is now effective.
Novice playing level 4 is selected and the EMERALD CLASSIC
will play
Fun level 5 is selected and is now effective.
End Game No. 6 is selected and is now effective.
Classical game No.7 is selected.
Black's Pawn move was from h4 and captures on the square g3 and announces check.
The NEXT BEST-Function has been selected and you will be prompted to take back
the last move. Computing will then begin.
The computer announces a mate-in-1, the game is lost for you.
End of the book.