Operation Description
Select the speed of the tractor based on the type of work being done in order to prolong the life of the
engine and various parts. Only by doing so will you be able to get the best performance out of the tractor
and the most longevity.
When using the tractor for heavy work, remember to never push the tractor beyond its limits. Read and
understand the specific workload capacities and under cut them by 80% for ma ximum performance
and longevity. Speed of operation should be an important factor in this equation.
When doing light duty at low speeds, high gear can be used in order to save on fuel economy.
When the engine is in idle, step on the clutch pedal to disengage the clutch. This will help you to avoid
damaging gears in the gearbox.
N ever sh ift b etween fo rward an d reverse until the tractor is at a co mp lete sto p in o rder to
avo id d amag e to the gears.
Unless you plan on putting the tractor in gear, keep your hands free of the gearshift lever when the
tractor is running. Pressure on the gearshift fork can cause it to wear prematurely.