OM-IO-Link Master.043
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
To install a new firmware version on the device:
> Zip file with new firmware has been downloaded and unpacked.
> Ethernet connection between laptop/PC and device is established.
1. Call up web interface
Start web browser.
Enter the following into the address field of the browser: and confirm with [ENTER]:
http://<IP address of device>/web/update
> Web browser shows the [Firmware Update] page.
2. Load the new firmware to the IO-Link master
Click on [File choose].
> A dialogue window appears.
Select the firmware file (.bin) and click on [Open] in order to adopt the file.
Click on [Submit] to start the firmware update.
> Firmware is being loaded to the device.
> After successful storage, the success message is displayed.
3. Reboot the IO-Link master
Click on [Restart device now] to restart the device.
> The RDY status LED flashes rapidly.
> Firmware is updating.
Follow the instructions in the browser.
The new firmware is installed via the device’s web interface.
11.2. Update the firmware
During the firmware update, ensure that the device is connected to the supply voltages US and UA.
Before the firmware update:
Deactivate the connection to the PROFINET PLC.
Set the parameter [IP address LR AGENT or SMARTOBSERVER] to or
Stop the LRAgent.LRDevice service in the Windows task manager.
After the firmware update:
Check the settings of the interface to the LR AGENT and LR SMARTOBSERVER.