OM-IO-Link Master.029
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
9.1.11. IO-Link Ports: Set fails-safe values
9.1.12. Info: Show device information
For the configuration mode “Independent” the user can set fail-safe values for the outputs of IO-Link
ports. The fail-safe values will be activated in case of an interruption of the PROFINET connection.
To set the fail-safe values:
Select [Port x] menu (x = 1...8).
> The menu page shows the current settings.
Set the following parameters as required:
To read the general information of the IMI Norgren IO-Link master:
Select [Info] menu.
> The menu page shows the current settings.
Possible values
[Fail-safe digital out]*
Fail-safe value of the output for operating mode "Digital Output (DO)"
old value
[Fail-safe IO-Link]*
Fail-safe value of the output for operating mode "IO-Link"
no Fail-safe
Fail-safe: OFF
Fail-safe: old value
Fail-safe: byte pattern
Save changed values on the device.
*... Parameter only changeable, if the connection to the PROFINET controller is closed
Possible values
[Product code]
Article number of the IO-Link master
[Device family]
Device family of the IO-Link master
IO-Link master
IMI Norgren
Firmware of the IO-Link master
[HW revision]
Hardware version of the IO-Link master
[Bootloader revision]
Bootloader version of the IO-Link master
[Serial number]
Serial number