Installation Guide
IR Universal Remote Control UPIC-5ZBS
Parts Identification
1. IR Eye
Transmits IR signal to appliances
2. ZigBee Button
3. IR Button
4. ZigBee LED
Flashes twice –IR Remote Control successfully joins ZigBee network
Flashes every 20 minutes – IR Remote Control has lost connection to its current ZigBee network.
5. IR Indicator LED
Slow Flash –IR Remote Control under IR learning mode.
Quick Flash–IR Remote Control receives IR signal under learning mode or is transmitting IR signal
Flash every half second – IR data cleared
Off – IR Remote Control is storing received IR signal under learning mode.
– IR Remote Control is in idle mode.
6. IR Signal Receiver
7. Low IR Transmission Power Jumper (JP1)
Jumper ON –IR Transmission power set to Low. (Factory Default)
Jumper OFF – Deselected.
8. High IR Transmission Power Jumper (JP2)
Jumper ON –IR Transmission power set to High.
Jumper OFF – Deselected.
IMPORTANT NOTE: JP1 and JP2 jumper CANNOT be set to ON at the same time
9. Dip Switch Set 1
10. Dip Switch Set 2
11. Battery Compartment
12. Wall Mounting Rotational Bracket (Optional)