Nivis Versa Router 1100 Titan - User Guide
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Set observation for multiple resources
HTTP PUT query:
Where query content is an XML file with following format:
<Value Name=’DeviceIPv6Addr’ Type=’BinHex’>…</Value>
<Value Name=’UriPath’ Type=’String’>…</Value>
<Value Name=’Action’ Type=’String’>…</Value>
<Value Name=’DeviceIPv6Addr’ Type=’BinHex’>…</Value>
<Value Name=’UriPath’ Type=’String’>…</Value>
<Value Name=’Action’ Type=’String’>…</Value>
Action - is a string which defines the type of action that HttpCoapProxy should take on the specified resource
(Enable – set as observable, HttpCoapProxy will subscribe for that resource, Disable – unset, HttpCoapProxy will
unsubscribe from observing that resource)
HTTP response :
If XML file is well formed then a 200 "OK" "XML observation list processed" will be sent back to client;
If XML file is not well formed, 400 "Bad Request" response will be retrieved.