AGB Programming Manual
Color Palettes
©1999 - 2001 Nintendo of America Inc.
D.C.N. AGB-06-0001-002B4
7 Color Palettes
7.1 Color Palette Overview
The LCD unit of AGB can display 32 levels of red, 32 levels of green, and 32 levels of
blue, for a total of 32,768 colors.
The number of colors that can be displayed at once varies with the BG mode. See
“5.1.1 Details of BG Modes”. Color palettes are used in defining character-format BGs
and OBJs.
Bitmap-format BG modes 3 and 5 are not palette formats.
See “6.2 Bitmap Mode BGs (BG Modes 3-5)”.
Color palettes come in the following two forms.
1) 16 Colors x 16 Palettes
This mode provides 16 color palettes, each consisting of 16 colors.
Color 0 for OBJ and BG palettes is forcibly allocated to transparent (color
specification disabled).
2) 256 Colors x 1 Palette
This mode allocates all 256 of its colors to 1 palette.
Color data are represented by 15 bits (5 for Red, 5 for Green, and 5 for
Blue). Colors can be selected from the total of 32,768.
OBJ color 0 and BG color 0 are forcibly allocated to transparent (color
specification disabled).
3) Color 0 Transparency
Color 0 transparency is used to render the pixels of low-priority OBJs or
BGs as transparent.
The color specified for color 0 of BG palette 0 is applied to the backdrop,
which has the lowest priority.