Software Manual_Pegasus.
5. Overview of Main- and Sub-menus
1. Info (A)
1 Info (AEA)
2. Errors (B)
3. Setup (C) (default password 6802)
1 Password (CA)
2 Settings (E)
Standard pressure (ER)
Auto off delay (EZ)
Date & Time (EP)
3 Languages & units (F)
Language (FA)
Units (FB)
4 Communication (I)
Firmware Upgrade by cable (IC)
Firmware Upgrade by infrared (ID)
5 Installation (K)
Install Password(KA)
4. Readings (R)
Pump state (RA)
Pump-top pres. (RB)
Pump-top temp (RC)
Supply pressure (RD)
Supply temp. (RE)
Flow Status (RF)