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Superuser/ Installer – Temperature
Minimum winter T7 (°C)
States the lowest permitted air intake temperature when the system is
operating in winter mode.
If the counterflow heat exchanger cannot operate at the minimum tem-
perature, the heat pump will assist, i.e. heating during periods where no
domestic hot water is produced.
A heating coil can be fitted to maintain air intake temperature.
Minimum summer T7 (°C)
States the lowest permitted air intake temperature when the system is
operating in summer mode.
If air intake has to be cooled, the system will not cool until the air reaches
an open bypass or cooling recovery. If this is insufficient, active cooling via
the heat pump will be activated.
Maximum T7 (°C)
Enter the desired maximum air intake temperature
Master sensor
You can select one of two sensors:
T3: Temperature sensor – extracted air
TPanel: Temperature sensor in the control panel
Regulate deadband (°C)
Enter regulation neutral zone for temperature regulation
E.g. If the air intake temperature is set at 18 °C and the regulation neutral
zone at 2 °C, the unit will cool at a temperature above 20°C and begin to
heat at 16 °C
Bypass damper offs.(°C)
Set regulation offset value for bypass damper
Offset for køl (°C)
Offset temperature for cooling mode.
EHD/BAH setp. offset (°C)
Enter regulation offset for the EHD/BAH damper
Compensation balance(%)
Enter room vs. outdoor air compensation in accordance with predeter-
mined graphs.
0% = only room compensation
100% = only outdoor air compensation
T1 (°C)
Outdoor temperature after pre-heating element (if any)
T2 (°C)
Air intake temperature before pre-heating element (if any)
T3 (°C)
Extract air temperature
T4 (°C)
Discharge air temperature after counterflow heat exchanger
T5 (°C)
Condenser temperature
T6 (°C)
Evaporator temperature
T7 (°C)
Air intake temperature after heating coil (if any)
T9 (°C)
Heating coil temperature
T11 (°C)
Temperature at top of hot water tank
T12 (°C)
Temperature at base of hot water tank