PLATINUM Series Controllers User’s Guide
Reference Section: Initialization Mode (INIt)
Display Reading Formats (INIt > RdG)
Select Reading Formats (RdG) to configure the front panel display.
Navigate to the desired setting. Settings include the following:
dEC.P – Decimal-point format (entry point)
– Temperature units
d.RNd – Display Rounding
FLtR – Filter (readings displayed per second)
– Annunciator 1..
setting, number determined by 6 digit display type
NCLR – Normal color (default display color)
bRGt – Display brightness
Select the indicated setting.
Decimal Point Format (INIt > RdG > dEC.P)
Select Decimal Point (dEC.P) and then select the desired decimal-point format. Only the FFF.F
and FFFF formats work for temperature inputs but all four can be used with process inputs.
While this parameter sets the default format, the numeric display will auto range
(automatically shift the decimal point) if necessary.
Navigate to the desired setting. Settings include the following:
FFF.F – One decimal place (factory default)
FFFF – Zero decimal places
FF.FF – Two decimal places (not a choice with temperature inputs)
F.FFF – Three decimal places (not a choice with temperature inputs)
Select the indicated format.
Temperature Units (INIt > RdG > °F°C)
Select the Temperature Units (°F°C) parameter, and the current temperature unit selection is
then displayed.
Navigate to the desired setting. Settings include the following:
– Degrees Celsius (factory default), °C annunciator turned on
– Degrees Fahrenheit, °F annunciator turned on
NoNE – Default for INPt = PRoC, both temp unit annunciators turned off; if the
process level input signal corresponds to a temperature (temperature transmitters for
example), the appropriate temperature type annunciator can be chosen.
Select the indicated option.