PLATINUM Series Controllers User’s Guide
Reference Section: Programming Mode (PRoG)
Select Program (PRoG > M.RMP > S.PRG)
Select the Select Program (S.PRG) parameter. The current profile for the selected program
number will be loaded and can be used as is or modified.
Set the number (1–99) corresponding to the Ramp/Soak profile to be loaded for use or
editing. (The default is 1)
Confirm the value.
Multi-Ramp/Soak Tracking (PRoG > M.RMP > M.tRk)
Select the Multi-Ramp/Soak Tracking (M.tRk) parameter. This parameter has three settings
that allow for different ways to manage ramp and soak program tracking.
Navigate to the desired setting. Settings include the following:
RAMP – Guaranteed Ramp Mode. If the soak setpoint is not reached within the
specified Ramp Time, the Ramp and Soak cycle will terminate, the outputs are
disabled, and a failure message (E008) will be displayed.
SoAK – Guaranteed Soak Mode. If the soak setpoint is not reached within the
specified Ramp Time the system will continue to Ramp and not transition to the Soak
Mode until the Soak point is reached. The full specified Soak time is preserved.
CYCL – Guaranteed Cycle Mode. If the soak setpoint is not reached within the
specified Ramp Time, the unit will continue to ramp until that setpoint is reached.
The additional ramp time required is subtracted from the soak time so that the
specified cycle time (ramp time + soak time) is preserved. If the soak setpoint is still
not reached at the end of total cycle time, the ramp and soak program will terminate,
the outputs are disabled, and the failure message (E0008) will be displayed.
Select the indicated setting.
Time Format (PRoG > M.RMP > tIM.F)
Select the default Ramp and Soak Time Format (tIM.F) parameter for the current program.
The default format can be overridden to create mixed time mode Ramp and Soak programs.
NOTE: The time format option does not appear in 6 digit display units, which always show
time as HH:MM:SS
Navigate to the desired setting. Settings include the following:
MM.SS – Time specified in minutes and seconds (factory default)
HH.MM – Time specified in hours and minutes. Indicated by turning on the
negative sign to differentiate from MM.SS format when adjusting the MRT.# and
MST.# parameters for a given segment.
Select the indicated option. Note that the default time format can be overridden for any
given segment time by pressing the left arrow with that time showing until it sequences
through each digit and then the entire time flashes. Pressing the right arrow at that point will
change the setting for that segment to the other time format.
Program End Action (PRoG > M.RMP > E.ACT)
Select the End Action (E.ACT) parameter.