A stove mitten and long ash pan / air control tool are supplied with this stove for your use
when operating the stove, if the mitten supplied is of the incorrect size for the user, then it is
recommended that the user sources a CE approved stove mitten or glove to the correct size
before lighting and operating this stove.
To Open the door:
Pull the handle towards you.
To close the door:
Push the handle towards the stove ensuring the door is fully closed.
Operation of the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary air controls
The primary air control is located to the right-hand side below the stove door, to operate push to
close, pull to open. The tertiary air control is located to the left-hand side below the stove door, to
operate pull to open thus increasing the air flow or pushing to close thus reducing the air flow.
Always use
a suitable stove mitten or glove and use the ash pan / operating tool to adjust the air
setting controls.
The secondary air control is located to the right-hand side above the stove door, to operate move to
the left to reduce the air flow and move right to increase the air flow.
4.3.1 Use with wood
(see Figure 4)
It is recommended
to use approved and suitable stove tongs for loading and refueling
the stove with wood to avoid any part of your arms and hands entering or touching the stove.
Use the stove mitten to hold the tongs.
Always use
the long ash pan / operating tool and stove mitten to operate the air controls
The stove door should
be opened when the stove is being fired vigorously and only
opened when the fire requires lighting, when the fuel is low and needs to be re fueled and
removal of residue material via the ash pan, at all other times the stove door
must be closed
It is highly recommended
providing the ash pan is not full of residue material that the ash pan
is emptied when the fire
is not in use
and the stove, and all residue and components are
the area around the stove is safely clear of all people and animals.
any obstacles so as not to be a trip hazard and allowing a totally unobstructed space
whilst lighting, refueling, adjusting the air controls, removal, and replacement of ash pan and
at all other times.
1) Pull the primary air control fully open.
2) Slide the secondary air control fully open to the right.