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(800) 363-1771
General Operating Procedures
It is recommended that spread pattern tests be conducted prior to each spreading season, after
any spreader maintenance, before applying a new product, and periodically during the spreading
season. Spread pattern tests must be performed for each product, blend and application rate. See
“Spread Pattern” section of this manual for details.
1. Make sure unit has been properly serviced and is in good operating condition. It is recommended to
run the spreader prior to loading material to ensure acceptable operation.
2. Set machine settings in controller per Controller Operations section in this manual.
3. Select or create material pro
le for material and application.
4. Adjust feedgate to appropriate setting.
5. Spread pattern test for any new material.
6. Fill unit with material to be spread.
7. Engage hydraulics.
8. Begin spreading.
Drive only at speeds which permit secure control of vehicle!