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(800) 363-1771
The Model NL450C is a L5034G4 spreader mounted on the TR3000 trailer. It is intended for spreading
feedlot composted manure, waste water sludge, industrial waste, paper mill waste, compost, marl, poultry
litter and
y ash.
The TR3000 is designed for attachment to specially equipped tractors. It’s equipped with brakes and
oatation tires on a walking beam suspension.
The spreader is powered hydraulically and provides independent variable speed control for the spinner
and full automatic ground speed control for the conveyor by means of a motorized valve with shaft sensor.
Tandem gear type hydraulic pump provides the power to drive the spinner by means of a tractor PTO. The
conveyor chain is driven by the tractor hydraulics.
The 34” wide (86 cm) conveyor runs the full length of the hopper bottom to deliver material to the spinners
through a hydraulically adjustable metering gate at the rear of the hopper body. A feedgate sight gauge
allows monitoring of the feedgate opening from the cab. The conveyor is driven by two orbital type
hydraulic motors mounted to a 6 to 1 ratio spur gear case. Two conveyor options are available: pintle type
chain joined by cross bars every third link (#1) or every other link (#2).
The distributor spinner assembly has two 30” (76 cm) diameter discs. Each disc has the option of four
to six formed and heat treated
ns that are adjustable to radial angle. The spinner is fully adjustable by
means of a rotating handle.
This product is intended for commercial use only.
General Description