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NL4258/4330G4 EDGE
(800) 363-1771
Bin 1: Main holding bin for material or Insert� MultApplier and MultiBin inserts (shown on following
pages) are configured as Bins 2-4 depending on type used.
Conveyor: Conveys material to rear of unit�
Cross Tubes: Supports body, attaches to Chassis frame� Transfers weight from Main Hopper to Chassis�
Enclosure: Houses spreader control modules, protects them from the elements
Feedgate: Adjustable gate mounted into Rear Endgate. Allows for variable rates of material flow by
adjusting jack to desired height�
Hillside Divider: Ensures balanced flow of material across conveyor when on hillsides or uneven terrain.
Inverted “V”: Mounted inside Main Hopper when Insert not installed� Distributes weight pressure
across conveyor, allowing for consistent material flow to Feedgate, and promotes an improved blend
when spreading fertilizer�
Lift Hooks: Used to lift unit or insert with appropriately rated lifting device�
Material Divider: Ensures uniform spread pattern by directing material off of conveyor onto spinner discs�
Rear Endgate: Welded or bolt-in endgate (depending on model) furthest from chassis cab (Rear based
on direction of travel)� Holds mounted Feedgate, allowing for rear release of material from bin�
Sill: Base of Main Hopper side walls� Contains Conveyor and supports machine walls�
Spinner Assembly: Contains adjustable G4 Spreader system, consisting of hydraulic spinners used
for dispersal of various materials at different positioned settings allowing for consistent, even spread
patterns across a wide variety of material with a high rate of accuracy�
Spinner Deflectors: Deflect material away from machine.
Spinner Guards: Upper and Lower guards, protects operators from spinner discs� Must be in place
during any operation�
Stake: Side support for machine walls�