Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best layout of the mirrors and cameras?
The best physical layout of the Picomotor Mirror Mounts (MM) and Cameras
(CAM) is such that the beam first strikes and is reflected off MM1 then MM2
with a small fraction of the light intensity then picked off for CAM 1 and CAM 2.
Please refer to Fig. 22. The best physical layout will also maximize the separation
between the two Mirror Mounts and between the two Cameras to give the most
control and highest possible resolution. For example, a 60cm minimum distance
between the two Mirror Mounts and between the two Cameras will give a
resolution of or better than 10 μrad.
It may also be useful to have the last camera image the actual working plane of
the set-up so the system stabilizes exactly on what really matters.
Figure 22. Example physical layout of mirrors and cameras for GuideStar II