4.3.3 Connecting Hardware to the Controller
Figure 11 shows how to connect the mirrors and cameras to the GuideStar II
Controller. These connections should all be made prior to launching the
GuideStar II application. Failure to make these connections prior to opening the
application may lead to an error message. If this occurs, close the GuideStar II
application, make the necessary connections, and re-open the application.
Ensure that the x-axis and y-axis motor of Mirror 1 is connected to M1X and
M1Y, respectively. Similarly, the x-axis and y-axis motors of Mirror 2 should be
connected to M2X and M2Y. This is a common source of error that can be
The first Camera along the beamline is Camera 1 and it should be cabled to the
Camera 1 USB port on the controller. Similarly, Camera 2 is connected to the
Cameras 2 USB port on the controller.
Figure 11. Layout of connections from Mirror Mounts and Cameras to GuideStar
II controller