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Using the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), the status of the inverter can be monitored by
means of a web browser without having to install additional software. All the most popular web
browsers (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Netscape Navigator, Konqueror, Opera) are supported.
Once the hostname or the
NetMan plus
IP address has been inserted in your web browser, a
screen like the one shown below will be displayed, with the main inverter operating data.
Example of display via HTTP
The following buttons are found on the left-hand side of the page:
Nominal Data: opens a page displaying the nominal values of the inverter, the list of active
alarms and the counters (see image on next page)
Telnet: opens a Telnet session (see pa
ragraph “Telnet”)
FTP: opens an FTP session (see paragraph ”FTP”)
About: opens a page with copyright information
Meteo: opens a web page with the meteorological forecast (“see paragraph Feeding