NETGEAR Mobile Broadband 11n Wireless Router MBR1310
Select Which Information to Log
Besides the standard information listed previously, you can choose to log additional
information. Those optional selections are as follows:
Attempted access to blocked site
Connections to the router menu
Router operation (start up, get time, and so on)
Known DoS attacks and port scans
Port Forwarding/Port Triggering
Wireless access
Examples of Log Messages
Following are examples of log messages. In all cases, the log entry shows the time stamp as
Day, Year-Month-Date Hour:Minute:Second.
Activation and Administration
This entry indicates a power-up or reboot with initial time entry.
Tue, 2002-05-21 18:48:39 - NETGEAR activated
This entry indicates a power-up or reboot with initial time entry.
Tue, 2002-05-21 18:55:00 - Administrator login successful - IP:
Thu, 2002-05-21 18:56:58 - Administrator logout - IP:
This entry shows a time-out of the administrator login.
Tue, 2002-05-21 19:00:06 - Login screen timed out - IP:
This entry shows when the log was emailed.
Wed, 2002-05-22 22:00:19 - Log emailed
Dropped Packets
These entries show an inbound FTP (port 21) packet, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet
(port 6970), and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packet (port 0) being dropped as
a result of the default inbound rule, which states that all inbound packets are denied.
Wed, 2002-05-22 07:15:15 - TCP packet dropped - Source:,4787,WAN
- Destination:,21,LAN - [Inbound Default rule match]
Apply button
Apply the current settings.
Cancel button
Clear the current settings.
Field or Button