Show Channel Config
This shows the currently defined and currently loaded ESCON subchannel ranges and their index val-
Prior to selecting this button, provide the following data on the selection screen:
the name of the channel interface to display.
If IFname is not specified, all defined channel interfaces are displayed.
Show Channel Config [ x3650 - Thu Jun 3 15:49:50 ]
id type bus slot
-------- ------------------ --- ----
board1 ESCON 2 1
id board type prot sgna num in sUnt sdi bfsz opt minor
l_index dtTo wmTo mxData
-------- -------- ---- ---- -------- --- -- ---- --- ------ --- ----- ----
--- ---- ---- ------
if5e00 board1 MSG HCM 00005e00 4 0 -1 1 65535 0 1
1 30 0 65535
--- Boards Config File ---
### Auto-configured on 2010Jun03-150841 ###
board1 pcibus 2 pcidev 1 escon cfgd
--- Interface Config File ---
### channel config file - created: 2010 May 11 at 09:08:14
if5e00 board board1 type MSG prot HCM sgna 5E00 num 4 in 00 mxdt 65535 bfsz
65535 uadd 0 cu 1 chlink E6 lpar 1 sdevinx 1
--- Escon Config File ---
; ESCON configuration : created on 2010 May 11 at 09:08:14
; indexNN=uadd,emulation,controlunit,channellink,lpar,tag
Figure 2. Output from ‘Show Channel Config’
Web Browser Interface
MAN-REF-COSW 2.10-19