V300 VoIP Telephone Adaptor/Router
YML768 Rev1
Chapter 2 Quick Start
2.1 Before you begin
You will need to collect your VoIP account details before you start to configure your V300.
Details should include your SIP username/ VoIP number, your SIP account authentication ID
and its password, SIP proxy server IP/URL, your VoIP network preferred codec and whether
you need use STUN. When you open a VoIP account, your VoIP provider should provide
you with this information.
Please try to complete the following information before you start your V300 setup:
VoIP phone number
(also known as SIP username)
VoIP account authentication ID:
VoIP account authentication password:
SIP server IP/URL:
SIP server domain name:
SIP server port:
VoIP codec:
VoIP DTMF transport method:
Traversing firewall method: