NetComm Wireless Light Industrial M2M Router Plus
To access the Watchdogs page, click the Services menu item, then select the Watchdogs menu item on the left.
Figure 84 - Watchdogs Settings
Watchdogs are features which monitor the router for anomalies and restart the router if an anomaly occurs preventing its normal
operation. When configured, the watchdogs feature transmits controlled ping packets to 1 or 2 user specified IP addresses to
confirm an active connection. If the watchdog does not receive responses to the pings after a specified number of failures, it will
reboot the device in a last resort attempt to restore connectivity.
We recommend using caution when implementing this feature in situations where the device is intentionally offline for a particular
reason, for example, when Connect on demand has been enabled. This is because the watchdog expects to be able to access the
internet at all times, and will always eventually reboot the router if access isn't restored by the time the various timers expire and the
fail count is reached.
It is due to the nature of the watchdog being a last resort standalone backup mechanism that it will continue to do its job and
reboot the device even when the Connect on demand session is idle, or the mobile broadband connection is disabled by the user.
Therefore, we recommended that you disable this feature if Connect-on-demand is configured or if the mobile broadband
connection will be intentionally disconnected on occasion.