HS1100N Quick Start Guide
Wireless N Hotspot – HS1100N
Step 4: Confirm and Restart
Step 4 of the setup wizard enables you to save the configuration entered or go back and adjust
previous settings.
To save the current configuration and restart the HS1100N, click the “Finish” button. A dialog box
will then appear asking you to confirm that the system will restart.
Please note: A restart is required to apply the new configuration.
If you would like to change any previously configured settings, click the “Back” button until you reach
the configuration option you would like to change and then click the “Next” button to continue back
to the “Confirm and Restart” page.
A “Confirm and Restart” message will show on the page while the HS1100N is restarting.
Do not unplug the system during this process.
Please note: The HS1100N is attempting to contact your chosen DNS server during this period. A longer start up
time may occur if the chosen DNS cannot be contacted.
The restart process has completed when the following page is displayed: