Ness IQ-MDVR-8
If switch/alarm/log/lock all set as ON, When sensor triggered, it will trigger alarm signal and event log, it
will also trigger alarm recording and event recording, besides, the EVENT LOG can’t be deleted even
HDD-formatted or overwrite.
LOG: Press ENTER to select YES/NO to enable or disable the input sensor to put as event log file, the
EVENT LOG is recorded in EVENT search file e.g.: If set as ON, using EVENT SEARCH option even
sensor triggered, there is event file on this menu.
LOCK: To enable the event does not erase during the over-write process of hard disk;
Sensor trigger action means setup the alarm linkage for each sensor, for example, you setup the
ch1 as the alarm linkage for sensor1, when sensor1 triggered, ch1 will change to full screen. And the device will
response the trigger by PRI, sensor1 is highest, sensor8 is lowest.
3G ACT: means you can define a sensor to active the 3G module, as there is an active mode in 3G setup
interface, they are corresponding options.
Our IQ-MDVR supports 4 sensor outputs. All the alarm inputs can trigger the three sensor output, such as
sensor1~8, over speed, temperature, video loss and so on, please enter into