Ness IQ-MDVR-8
Please refer to the detailed manual for PC software settings for this part.
CLIENT PORT: no use at present
WEB PORT: this port is for IE access, you have to add this port when you want to access to MDVR through IE
browser, of example, you have to access MDVR like that:
The DNS of the router, when you want connect MDVR to internet via cable, please setup the DNS here.
MAC Address: MAC address is uniquely and cannot change it.
The sever IP and port setting for PC software.
There are two center servers you can setup, that mean you can connect MDVR via WIFI or CABLE and 3G at
the same time.
NET. OPTION: There are three options, one is WIFI, one is cable network, and the other is MOBILE NETWORK.
Please select the correct option when create the connection.
MESSAGE SERVER: This server IP must be the IP of the PC that installed message server when you want to
create CMS connection. You can setup it as Static IP or Dynamic Domain name; it’s due to the server.
PORT: please use the default port 5556 here.
MEDIA SERVER IP AND PORT: NO use at present.
This interface is to setup the wireless modules type, active mode and SIM card parameters, when you connect
with net cable, please select mode type as NONE.