The LOL was tested in flight equipped with Standard "ABS" SUP'AIR
harness (Attachment height of 42 cm. Front strap tightened , distance bet-
ween the carabiners from 38 cm (smallest size) to 42cm (biggest size).
The stabilizing effect of these harnesses with a roll damping system, depends
mainIy on a correct adjustment of the whole harness including the front strap,
the dorsal straps and the shoulder straps.
During the period of familiarisation with the wing, and afterwards, if one
hopes to favour the spontaneous reinflation characteristics, one should make
sure that all the straps are precisely adjusted, so that the carabiners
connecting the harness to the risers are as close as possible to the chest
whilst remaining sufficiently apart :
-front strap tightened 50%
-dorsal straps adjusted to produce a vertical upper body without being
uncomfortable. The shoulder straps are adjusted from take-off.
see pages 7 & 8
The LOL, is delivered with a 4 branches riser system of 450 mm length
and an accelerator system . When fully pulled, the A and B branch are
shortened of 120mm, C of 40mm. This is the EN tested configuration.
see page 9
The LOL ULTRA is equipped with a 4 branches knotted risers fitted
with a trim system. The safest configuration corresponds to trims fully pulled
(four branches equal). A 2 or 3 cm release of the trims make easier the wing
inflation and improves the landing characteristics. The fully released position
of the trims (150 m on D branch and 70 mm on C) is above the full acceler-
ated geometry of the homologated version and must be use with care : it de-
creases the efficiency ratio and weakens wing tips in turbulences.
To save yet a few grams, the trim system is removable and can be replaced
by a simple cripple with a screw carabiner.
see page 10
For “speed flying” and paramotoring The LOL is delivered with a spe-
cial risers set equipped with trims. The safest configuration corresponds to
trims fully pulled (four branches equal). The geometry is the same as LOL
ULTRA . Advices are identical.
see page 11
Trims use - Warning -
see page 12