NeptuneLabs - FSI Viewer
13 Appendix
A Escaping or URL-encoding parameter values
In some situations you need to pass escaped (URL-encoded) parameters values to
Viewer, because using unescaped values would break the XML syntax or because
need to use characters prohibited in URLs.
In cases like this you can pass escaped values rather than passing the actual value.
What does escaping (URL-encoding) mean?
URL- encoding (or percent- encoding) means converting the character to its
corresponding value in ASCII and then representing that value as a pair of
hexadecimal digits. The digits, preceded by a percent sign ("%"), are then used in
place of the reserved character. FSI Viewer transforms URL-encoded values back
to the original value.
How can I URL-encode a value?
Most scripting languages (JavaScript, ActionScript, PHP and alike) provide methods
for this purpose. Please note that FSI Viewer from version 4 requires Unicode safe
encoding rather than non-unicode safe encoding – this is an escaped character
be represented by one or more 2-digit numbers preceded by "%".
Using JavaScript you therefore need to use the method "encodeURICom
ponent()" instead of "escape()".
B HTML Tags available in FSI Viewer
FSI Viewer from version 4 supports basic HTML tags in various contexts like when
entering custom tool tips, texts for the "LargeToolTips" plug-in, search results and
alike. Whenever this documentation refers to "Basic HTML formatting tags", the
following HTML tags can be used (variable values printed bold italic):
<font color="#FF0000" size="12" face="Arial"></font>
<p align="left|center|right"></p>
13 Appendix