This instrument offers wireless data transfer capabilities over Wi-Fi connection. The Wi-Fi connection is initiated and
configured through the data manager software. See the setting up Wi-Fi section of the data manager guide for details
on setting up the Wi-Fi connection. Once the instrument is connected to Wi-Fi, test results can be transferred wirelessly
to the data manager software through the Wi-Fi menu on the instrument.
Data manager software must be running in the background on host PC for wireless data transfer to occur. A Wi-Fi
icon with a lock will appear when the instrument is connected to Wi-Fi and ready to transfer. To sync results, select sync
results to transfer test results wirelessly to the data manager and keep the test results stored on the device as a backup.
To sync and erase results, select this option to transfer test results wirelessly to data manager and erase the test results
from the instrument memory.
The technical device information is displayed on the first page, including the serial number, firmware version, and
Wi-Fi connection status. On the second page, that can be accessed by pressing the down button on dPad, technical
and regulatory information about the device can be found.
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