’s AccuPoint Advanced Next Generation (NG) sanitation monitoring system is a lightweight, handheld
diagnostic tool used to validate and verify a sanitation program’s effectiveness by detecting organic residues
remaining on surfaces and in liquids after cleaning when using the AccuPoint Advanced samplers. The system
is composed of three primary components: an electronic luminometer; fully self-contained single-use samplers,
and data manager software.
When used with AccuPoint Advanced ATP samplers, the system will detect adenosine triphosphate (ATP) collected in
the sample and report the measurement in relative light units (RLUs). RLU thresholds are established by a facility to
reflect effective cleaning practices.The instrument compares the measured level of ATP to the established thresholds
and reports the result as a pass, marginal, or fail.
The system will record the time, date, specific test site location, site group, and area information in addition to the
recorded RLU and result. The AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument also gives users the ability to enter notes on individual
test results. This information can be uploaded to the data manager software for additional review and reporting.
NEOGEN continually works to improve its product lines, and nowhere is that more evident than with the AccuPoint
Advanced system. With the AccuPoint Advanced system, innovations allow for better functionality and service than
ever before.
These innovations include the advanced samplers, which feature a bioluminescent reaction in a liquid-stable solution.
This allows for a more consistent reaction that provides a more consistent result. This chemistry also creates a more
robust reaction that has the benefit of providing greater sensitivity through a clearer distinction between very low
levels of ATP. The AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument offers enhanced navigation, touch screen, wireless data transfer
capability, and robust design to take your sanitation monitoring program to the next level.
NEOGEN’s AccuPoint Advanced system can also be used to test dairy products to ensure proper pasteurization when
using high-temperature, short time (HTST) processing equipment. The AccuPoint Advanced Alkaline Phosphatase
sampler is a chemiluminescence-based test that allows the user to determine whether a milk sample has been properly
pasteurized or is contaminated with raw milk. A sample of milk to be tested is collected using the sampler and exposed
to the substrate solution contained within the sampler body. After a brief incubation, the amount of light generated by
the interaction of the substrate with alkaline phosphatase naturally present in raw milk is detected on the AccuPoint
Advanced NG instrument and reported in mU/L.
When used with the AccuPoint data manager version 4.0 software (or later), the AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument can
be set up to record the testing results at user specified test sites, along with the date, time, and user. The test site
information is entered into the data manager program and uploaded to the AccuPoint instrument. The user simply
navigates to the correct site and takes the test. The AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument has built in RFID functionality that
can be used to automatically identify test locations that are set up with RFID tags. The user simply brings the unit
close to the RFID tag and the correct site is automatically identified for that test.
Up to 3,000 unique testing sites can be tracked with each AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument. Up to 4,000 test results
can be stored at any time and are not lost if the instrument loses power. An integrated, rechargeable lithium-ion battery
provides power.