Chapter 3 BIOS Setup
additional firmware in the SPI device.
BIOS Hotkey Pressed
Enable / Disable BIOS hotkey press.
MEBx Selection Screen
Enable / Disable MEBx selection screen.
Hide Un-Configure ME Confirmation
Hide Un-Configure ME without password Confirmation Prompt.
MEBx Debug Message Output
Enable MEBx debug message output.
Un-Configure ME
Un-Configure ME without password.
Amt Wait Timer
Set timer to wait before sending ASF_GET_BOOT_OPTIONS.
Disable ME
To flash BIOS ROM, the ME has to be disabled first.
Enable / Disable Alert Specification Format.
Activate Remote Assistence Process
Trigger CIRA boot.
USB Configure
Enable / Disable USB Configure function.
PET Progress
User can enable / disable PET Events progress to received PET events
or not.
Enable / Disable WatchDog Timer.
Serial Port Console Redirection
Console Redirection
Enable / Disable Console Redirection feature.