12. Emergency manoeuvres, maintenance or cleaning
In case the window is equipped with flush
open the window manually, due to power failure, mechanism problems, for normal
maintenance or external window cleaning, following
1. Unscrew the screws which retain the wing to the bracket.
2. Be careful because after taking off screws the bracket
fall down.
3. Manually open the window frame.
position by the chain
4. After maintenance and/or cleaning
13. Environmental protection
All materials used in the manufacture of this appliance are recyclable.
We recommend that the device itself, and any accessories, packaging, etc. be sent to a
centre for ecological recycling as established from laws in force on re
The device is mainly made from the following materials: aluminium, zinc, iron, p
various type, cuprum.
Material dismantle in accordance with disposal regulations
14. Certificate of guarantee
The manufacturer will guarantee good function of the appliance. The manufacturer shall
undertake to replace defective parts due to poor quality materials or manufacturing defects
in accordance with article 1490 of the Civil Code. The guarantee covers produ
individual parts for
2 years
from the date of purchase. The latter is valid as long as the
purchaser possesses proof of purchase and completion of all agreed conditions of
Guarantee of good function of appliances agreed by the manufacturer
latter undertakes to repair or replace free of charge and in the shortest period possible any
parts that break while under warranty.
The purchaser is not entitled to any reimbursement for eventual direct or indirect damage
or other expenses incurred. Attempt to repair by personnel unauthorised by the
manufacture shall render the warranty null and invalid.
The warranty does not cover fragile parts or parts subject to natural wear and tear or
corrosion, overload, however temporary etc. The
for eventual damage incurred by erroneous assembly, manoeuvre or insertion, excessive
stress or inexpert use.
Repairs performed under guarantee are always "ex factory of the manufacturer".
Respective transport expenses (out/back) are the responsibility of the purchaser.
Emergency manoeuvres, maintenance or cleaning
In case the window is equipped with flush-mounted actuator and it becomes necessary to
ow manually, due to power failure, mechanism problems, for normal
ernal window cleaning, following steps have to be followed:
Unscrew the screws which retain the wing to the bracket.
after taking off screws the bracket (which is in 2 pieces) could
Manually open the window frame.
– the window could fall as the sash is no longer held in
position by the chain
After maintenance and/or cleaning, repeat points 1 and 2 in reverse order.
Environmental protection
All materials used in the manufacture of this appliance are recyclable.
We recommend that the device itself, and any accessories, packaging, etc. be sent to a
centre for ecological recycling as established from laws in force on re
The device is mainly made from the following materials: aluminium, zinc, iron, p
Material dismantle in accordance with disposal regulations.
Certificate of guarantee
The manufacturer will guarantee good function of the appliance. The manufacturer shall
undertake to replace defective parts due to poor quality materials or manufacturing defects
in accordance with article 1490 of the Civil Code. The guarantee covers produ
from the date of purchase. The latter is valid as long as the
purchaser possesses proof of purchase and completion of all agreed conditions of
Guarantee of good function of appliances agreed by the manufacturer
latter undertakes to repair or replace free of charge and in the shortest period possible any
parts that break while under warranty.
The purchaser is not entitled to any reimbursement for eventual direct or indirect damage
es incurred. Attempt to repair by personnel unauthorised by the
manufacture shall render the warranty null and invalid.
The warranty does not cover fragile parts or parts subject to natural wear and tear or
corrosion, overload, however temporary etc. The manufacturer will accept no responsibility
for eventual damage incurred by erroneous assembly, manoeuvre or insertion, excessive
Repairs performed under guarantee are always "ex factory of the manufacturer".
enses (out/back) are the responsibility of the purchaser.
mounted actuator and it becomes necessary to
ow manually, due to power failure, mechanism problems, for normal
steps have to be followed:
(which is in 2 pieces) could
the window could fall as the sash is no longer held in
repeat points 1 and 2 in reverse order.
All materials used in the manufacture of this appliance are recyclable.
We recommend that the device itself, and any accessories, packaging, etc. be sent to a
centre for ecological recycling as established from laws in force on recycling.
The device is mainly made from the following materials: aluminium, zinc, iron, plastic of
The manufacturer will guarantee good function of the appliance. The manufacturer shall
undertake to replace defective parts due to poor quality materials or manufacturing defects
in accordance with article 1490 of the Civil Code. The guarantee covers products and
from the date of purchase. The latter is valid as long as the
purchaser possesses proof of purchase and completion of all agreed conditions of
Guarantee of good function of appliances agreed by the manufacturer implies that the
latter undertakes to repair or replace free of charge and in the shortest period possible any
The purchaser is not entitled to any reimbursement for eventual direct or indirect damage
es incurred. Attempt to repair by personnel unauthorised by the
The warranty does not cover fragile parts or parts subject to natural wear and tear or
manufacturer will accept no responsibility
for eventual damage incurred by erroneous assembly, manoeuvre or insertion, excessive
Repairs performed under guarantee are always "ex factory of the manufacturer".
enses (out/back) are the responsibility of the purchaser.
DICHIARAZIONE CE DI CONFORMITÀ / Declaration of incorporation
(for a
partly completed machine)
and EC Declaration of Conformity
Con la presente il /
Hereby the
Nekos S.r.l.
Via Capitoni 7/5- 36064 COLCERESA - VI - Italy
Tel +39 0424 411011 – Email [email protected]
dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che i seguenti prodotti:
declare under its own responsibility that the following products:
Descrizione prodotto :
Product Designation:
Attuatore a catena per finestre
Window chain drive
230 V : KATO 253 - KATO - KATO 305
24 V : KATO 253 - KATO
- KIMO - KIMO 202- KATO 305
Anno di costruzione dal /
Year of manufacturing from:
Soddisfano gli applicabili requisiti essenziali della
Direttiva Macchine 2006/42/EC, Allegato I
Fulfil the essential requirements of the Machinery Directive
Annex I,
Art. 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.2.1,1.2.3, 1.2.6; 1.3.2,
1.3.4, 1.3.9, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.6, 1.5.7, 1.5.8, 1.5.9, 1.5.10, 1.5.11, 1.7.1,, 1.7.3,,
La documentazione tecnica pertinente è compilata secondo l’
Allegato VII, sezione B
The relevant technical documentation is compiled in accordance with
Annex VII, Part B
La persona autorizzata a costituire la documentazione tecnica pertinente è:
The person authorised to compile the relevant technical documentation is:
ing. Matteo Stefani – Nekos S.r.l.
Su richiesta adeguatamente motivata delle autorità nazionali, la documentazione tecnica dei citati prodotti sarà resa disponibile, via e-
mail, entro un tempo compatibile con la sua importanza.
In response to a reasoned request by the national authorities, we will provide, via e-mail, the relevant information on the product listed
above within an adequate period proportional to its importance.
Inoltre i succitati prodotti sono conformi alle disposizioni pertinenti delle seguenti Direttive:
Furthermore the products listed above complies with the provisions of followings Directives :
2014/30/EU Direttiva Compatibilità Elettromagnetica /
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility Directive
2014/35/EU Direttiva Bassa Tensione /
Low Voltage Directive (LVD)
2011/65/EU Direttiva sulla restrizione dell’uso di determinate sostanze pericolose nelle apparecchiature elettriche ed
elettroniche (Direttiva RoHS) /
Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances Directive (RoHS Directive)
2015/863/EU Direttiva Delegata recante modifica dell’allegato II della Direttiva 2011/65/EU del Parlamento Europeo e del
Consiglio per quanto riguarda l’elenco delle sostanze con restrizioni d’uso.
Delegated Directive amending Annex II of
Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the list of substances with usage restrictions
e delle seguenti norme armonizzate e/o specifiche tecniche:
and of the following harmonised standards and/or technical specifications:
EN 60335-2-103 ; EN 61000-6-3:2007 + A1:2011 + AC:2012 ; EN IEC 61000-6-2:2019;
EN 60335-1:2012 + AC:2014 + A11:2014; EN 50581:2012
La messa in moto di una macchina completa che includa la quasi macchina sopra menzionata, da noi fornita, non è permessa finché non
sia accertato che l’installazione sia stata fatta secondo le specifiche e le indicazioni di installazione contenute nel “Manuale d’istruzioni”
fornito con la quasi-macchina e che sia stata espletata e documentata, in apposito protocollo, una procedura di accettazione da parte di
un tecnico abilitato.
Commissioning of the complete machinery including the above mentioned drives delivered by us is not allowed until it is ascertained that
the installation of the complete machinery was performed in accordance with the specifications and the operating and installation advice
given in our Mounting Instructions, and that the acceptance procedure was duly carried out and documented in an acceptance protocol by
a specialist.
Questa dichiarazione è fatta dal costruttore /
This is declared by the manufacturer:
- Via Capitoni 7/5 - 36064 Colceresa - VI - Italy
Rappresentato da / Represented by:
Giuliano Galliazzo
– A.D. Presidente / President CEO
Luogo e data / Place and date: Colceresa
Firma / Valid signature