1. Introduction
• Viewer supports USB memory or the
wireless technology (NP64/NP54 only)
The NP64 and NP54 projectors have the Viewer.
The Viewer allows you to view the image files stored in a commercially available USB memory inserted into the
USB port of the projector.
Connecting the optional
USB adaptor (NP01BA) to the projector will allow you to transmit images
wirelessly from your computers or mobile phones with
wireless technology to the projector.
See the list of countries and areas supported by the optional
USB adaptor (NP01BA) on page
About this user’s manual
The fastest way to get started is to take your time and do everything right the first time. Take a few minutes now to
review the user’s manual. This may save you time later on. At the beginning of each section of the manual you’ll
find an overview. If the section doesn’t apply, you can skip it.
In this user’s manual the drawings of the projector show an example of NP63.