Copyright©2001 NEC Computers International BV
Starting Smart Restore
Starting Smart Restore
Starting Smart Restore
Starting Smart Restore
Starting Smart Restore
1. Save your current work and close all running applications.
2. Insert the Master CD 1 into its drive.
If your backup data is stored on your hard disk drive or network,
skip to step 3. No Master CD is needed.
3. From Windows, click on Start, select Programs, Tools and click on Smart
On the Smart Restore main screen, three tabs may be available, depending
on your operating system:
Software (default tab): to remove or reinstall software,
Hardware (Windows 98 only): to reset your hardware to its original fac-
tory settings,
Tools (Windows 98 only): to perform system checks and maintenance.
Removing and Reinstalling Software
Removing and Reinstalling Software
Removing and Reinstalling Software
Removing and Reinstalling Software
Removing and Reinstalling Software
Smart Restore allows you to remove or reinstall the software that was preloaded
on your computer.
You may want to remove a program if:
You do not use this program any longer.
You want to free some space on your hard disk.
You may want to reinstall a program if:
It has been corrupted and does not work any longer,
It keeps generating errors on the computer.
Select the software tab to make the software list appear. When you position
your mouse pointer over a software name, its colour changes, indicating that
you can select it by clicking.
To mark a program for re-installation, click on its name once. A green tick
will appear in front of it. Click on Full Install if you wish to reinstall all the
software. To mark a program for uninstallation, click on its name twice. A
red cross will appear in front of it. To deselect a program, click on its name
three times
You may select as many programs as you wish. Smart Restore will reinstall or
uninstall them one after another without any further intervention from you.
Smart Restore
Smart Restore
Smart Restore
Smart Restore
Smart Restore