Private Conversation
During a multi-party call, you can select one participant for a private conversation while the other participants continue the conference
call. (See Flag.)
(Up) or
(Down) navigation key to highlight the participant.
(Options Menu) and
to briefly display the busy screen for Private conversation and begin the private conversation.
(End) to end a private conversation and the call.
To end the private conversation and add the party back to the multi-party call:
(Options Menu) and
This combines the two calls back into a single multi-party call and all members are active.
Disconnecting a Party
During a multi-party call, you can disconnect one of the participants and continue the call with remaining participants from the Call in
progress screen.
(Up) or
(Down) navigation key to highlight the participant to disconnect.
(Options Menu) and
to disconnect the participant from the conference call.
Recording a Call
You can record up to 20 seconds of a conversation. (See Flag.) A recorded conversation is stored in Voice memo (see page 144). To
record a received or dialed call from the Call in progress screen:
(Options Menu)
, 8,
Softkey 1
(record) to record. Press
Softkey 2
(Stop) to end recording before the 20
second time lapse.
At the end of 20 seconds, recording automatically stops and the Call in progress screen displays.
IR Send/Receive
IR is short for infrared. The Infrared Data Association, a group of device manufacturers, developed a standard for transmitting data via
infrared light waves through an IR port. The infrared port enables you to transfer data from one 515 wireless phone to another 515
wireless phone without any cables. The two wireless phones must be within a few feet of each other and there must be a clear line of
sight between them. Data from the Phone phonebook, Scheduler, and To Do may be transmitted using the IR options.
Two calls are on the phone: the
multi-party call and the active single
call of the private conversation. The
members of the multi-party call can
still speak to each other on the one
call while the private conversation is
the other call.
Recording of phone calls is subject
to varying State and Federal laws
regarding privacy and recording of
phone conversations.
For further information regarding
sending data via IR, refer to:
Phonebook, IR Sending, page
Scheduler, IR Sending, page 133
To Do List, IR Sending, page 139
IR Receive, page 150.
IR Port