Document Number
Date Released
Jul. 2020
Revision Number/Security level
R03 S2
Retrofit G6-300 + InvencoLink Wayne Vista 3V (US) Installation Guide
Use nail polish to coat over the snapped off edge to prevent possible corrosion.
The below steps(f) (g) and (q) are only applicable for installing on side B.
f) If you are installing on Side B of the dispenser, temporarily detach the Computer Board
from the bracket. The Computer Board is held on with screws and three snap fits.
Retain the screws as the Computer Board will be reinstated later.
Fig 4.12.2e
Temporarily detach the Computer Board.
g) Disconnect cables as required to allow the Computer Board to be laid down out of the
way inside the cabinet. Take a note of where these cables were connected as these will
be reinstated later. Cut any cable ties as required.
Typical set of connections on the Computer Board are as follows. Remove those
required to lay the Computer Board to the side and re-make the same connections again: