System Details 43
Display method
(B)Hot Water Outlet
Display of the current outgoing water
OUT temperature display
ex) 120°F
(C)Water Inlet
Display of the current incoming water
IN temperature display
ex) 120°F
(D)Heat Capacity
Display of current heat capacity %
% Heat capacity display in percentage
ex) 92%
(E)Water adjustment
valve condition
Display of the water adjustment valve
Fully closed= 100%
Fully opened= 0%
% display of the valve close ratio in percentage
ex) When closed 24%
(F)Mixing valve condition
Mixing valve condition display(%)
Fully closed= 0%
Fully opened= 56%
“A” models
“S” models: % display of the valve close ratio in percentage
ex) When closed 46%
(G)Heat exchanger flow
Calculated value by the mixing valve open
condition from the total flow rate
For “A” models, this flow will be the same
as (A)
GPM flow rate display
ex) Relevant flow rate: 5.4gpm
(H)Current RPM
Fan motor RPM display
Display of RPM by omitting the last digit
ex) 3600rpm
(I) Current APS
APS voltage value display
Display of the APS value as voltage up to the first decimal place
ex) 3.2V