2 Installation and Activation
The following section explains how to install and activate DEEP FREQ. Although this proc
ess is pretty much straightforward, please take a minute to read these instructions as it
might prevent common problems.
2.1 Installing DEEP FREQ
After downloading a KORE Instrument, unzip the compressed archive you received from
Native Instruments. It contains the installer application.
Please install KORE 2 or KORE PLAYER before installing this KORE Instrument! Other
wise, Paranormal Spectrums will not work properly.
To install DEEP FREQ, double-click the installer application and follow the instructions on
the screen. The installer application automatically places the new KORE Sound content
files into the folders that KORE 2 / KORE PLAYER expects them to be in. In the course of
the installation procedure, the installer application asks you to specify another folder for
additional files.
2.2 Activating DEEP FREQ
When installation is finished, start the Service Center, which was installed with KORE 2 /
KORE PLAYER. It will connect your computer to the Internet and activate your DEEP
FREQ installation.
Activation of KORE Instruments is optional. However, it will give you access to free up
If your computer is not connected to the Internet, please consult the separate Setup
Guide, which is included with your KORE 2 / KORE PLAYER package. It explains the off
line activation procedure and contains detailed information about using the Service Cen
ter. It is also a reference if you experience problems with the activation process.
Installation and Activation
DEEP FREQ - Manual - 8