3 How to Use a KORE Instrument
The following sections will give you a brief overview over some basic operations: you will
learn how to search for sounds you have in mind and how to load and play KORE Sounds.
For details on these topics, please read the KORE 2 / KORE PLAYER manual.
3.1 Finding a KORE Sound
All DEEP FREQ KORE Sounds are directly integrated into KORE 2’s / KORE PLAYER’s da
tabase. They will show up in the Browser’s Search Results list alongside all the other
sounds matching specific search criteria.
Searching for Sounds by Attribute
You can select a combination of Attributes in the Browser. The Sounds that match the At
tributes’ criteria will show up in the Search Results list. To do so:
Click on the Attributes in the Browser. You can select multiple Attributes from an At
tribute set by holding [Ctrl] (on Windows) or [Cmd] (on Mac) while clicking.
Fig. 3.1 KORE PLAYER’s Browser (left) with a combination of Instrument Attributes selected, and the corre
sponding results in the Search Results list (right).
How to Use a KORE Instrument
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