1 Welcome to DEEP FREQ
Thank you very much for purchasing DEEP FREQ. DEEP FREQ is a KORE Instrument
This manual will help you get started with DEEP FREQ. If you want to start immediately,
proceed to section
↑2, Installation and Activation
. Please read that chapter carefully and
fully, as it explains all the steps required to integrate DEEP FREQ into KORE 2 / KORE
PLAYER. Following the Installation chapter is an explanation of the general usage of KORE
Sounds within KORE 2 / KORE PLAYER in chapter
↑3, How to Use a KORE Instrument
If you are already familiar with KORE 2 / KORE PLAYER, this will be straightforward, but
it might be worth a look nonetheless. Finally, chapters
↑4, Content Description
↑5, The
↑6, Using DEEP FREQ
of this manual add some more details regarding
the specific content and usage of DEEP FREQ.
And now, let’s get started…
Welcome to DEEP FREQ
DEEP FREQ - Manual - 7