The Witch mode is based on a four-tap delay, whose delay times are set by the spread
control and modulated by a quadrature oscillator. The four taps are then sequentially
crossfaded between by a synced sawtooth oscillator, windowed and sent to the feed
back and output circuits. In a way this Mode resembles a faulty pitch-shifter design.
Zombie mode is also built on a four-tap delay, but the delay times are not spread out
and the taps are not faded between.
Demon mode is a little more complex. Here we have a quad synced quadrature oscilla
tor that modulates delay times of four four-tap delays. For example, the four delay
times of the first four-tap delay might be modulated by four 10 Hz sine waves at 90
degrees phase shift relative to eachother while the delay times of the other three de
lays would be modulated at 20 Hz, 40 Hz and 80 Hz, respectively. Additionally, the
outputs of the four delays are level-scaled and panned using look-up tables. Sounds
cool, huh. Yeah, it does, actually.
The Ensembles
DEEP FREQ - Manual - 41