Fig. 4.4 The Finite Wire KORE Controller Page.
In Finite Wire, the signal is first passed through a phaser and a granular pitch-shifter/de
lay, where the idea is that the resonances of the phaser are transposed in the pitch-shifter,
being fed into an instance of the SSFX (re)Sonitarium ensemble. The SSFX (re)Sonitarium
is set to be a two-voice resonator where an LFO is used to modulate the odd/even harmon
ics balance, and the two voices are panned hard left and hard right with the right voice
being delayed by 3/16th notes. In this stage, harmonics are generated on top of the trans
posed & granulated phaser resonances. We’re then feeding this into another granular
pitch-shifter/delay that transposes the resonances added in the SSFX (re)Sonitarium along
with the signal. Next, the signal is sent to a reverb for sweetening, and a low-shelf EQ for
cleaning up any excessive low-frequency content generated by the pitch-shifters, before
reaching the the dry/wet crossfade. A low-cut and a limiter make up the final output stage.
Content Description
Example Signal Flow Structures
DEEP FREQ - Manual - 23