4 Content Description
4.1 About DEEP FREQ
DEEP FREQ [dip frik] is the second KORE Instrument effects pack by Surround SFX, pick
ing up where we left off with DEEP RECONSTRUCTIONS. Where DEEP RECONSTRUC
TIONS focused on re-arranging a signal in time, DEEP FREQ is all about warping, bend
ing, shifting, mangling and other mutilations of sound in terms of frequency. That’s not to
say there isn’t any time-altering stuff going on, there’s lots of that really, but the main ob
ject of DEEP FREQ is frequency. Like it’s cousin, DEEP FREQ is designed to turn your sig
nal into something completely different; no cuddly, friendly, care-bear-type processing in
cluded. It’s also designed to do that with maximum speed and ease, much like you’d use
certain popular outboard effects devices: you can get by, using presets because they al
ready sound awesome, but if you want to roll your own, turning one of the knobs a little
way can take you from completely mad to utterly insane processing within seconds, with
out leaving the realms of usable results. If you have to remix a tune and one track beats
the other for uninspired boringness, if you’re suffering from an acute case of “inspiration
is out for lunch,“ or if you’re simply looking for a particularly unique effect, DEEP FREQ
was designed to sort you out. You’ll surely get the idea by now so let us continue with
some more technical info.
4.2 Feature Overview
DEEP FREQ contains 150 multi-effects patches, created using the GUITAR RIG 4, AB
SYNTH 5 and KORE 2 engines, as well as four REAKTOR ensembles, custom-tailored for
this release. Each of the patches features a unique and very complex signal flow structure,
as well as eight sound variations for a total of 1200 effects.
Content Description
DEEP FREQ - Manual - 17