SCXI-1141/1142/1143 Calibration Procedure
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Calibration requires the latest version of Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy),
which includes high-level function calls to simplify the task of writing
software to calibrate devices. Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) supports many
programming languages, including LabVIEW, LabWindows
Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual Basic, and Borland C++.
If the SCXI-1141/1142/1143 is revision F or later, this procedure requires
using a calibration software library. The library contains a function that is
needed to adjust calibration circuitry on the module. If you do not have the
software library files, you can download them from
, using
info code
The calibration software library consists of these files:
Determine the revision of the SCXI-1141/1142/1143 by checking the part number
of the module, which is located on the outside of the module case. For example, part
number 182628C-01 is revision C.