Set Up
Injectable Arm
Intramuscular Injections
Intramuscular injections may be performed in
inserts at the left hip, right thigh, at both deltoids of
the standard arms, and left deltoid of the injectable
training arm. Inject AIR ONLY as the inserts cannot
be drained in the standard arms, injection training
arm, and thigh.
To remove the inserts on standard arms and thigh:
1. Remove the eight screws retaining the shoulder
or hip joints to the arm or leg.
2. Roll skin down to expose inserts prior to
removing and replacing them (See Figures 77,
thigh & 78, Shoulder).
3. Compress them sideways and pull out.
4. Reverse procedure to replace.
Note: Avoid using alcohol or similar substances
to prep the injection site. Use distilled water to
simulate this procedure.
1. This synthetic blood is specially formulated to
be compatible with the self-sealing veins and
plastics used in manufacturing the injectable
training arm.
2. NEVER use synthetic blood for intramuscular
3. DO NOT use dull or burred needles, these will
cause leaks in the system. Burred needles will
cause permanent damage.
4. DO NOT allow synthetic blood to dry on the
simulator — it may stain the skin.
5. Use only 500 cc of infusion fluid. Larger amounts
will increase the pressure of the venous system,
resulting in leaks.
6. DO NOT clean the simulator with solvents or
corrosive materials, as they will damage it.
7. DO NOT use for subcutaneous injection. Nasco’s
Intradermal Injection Simulator (LF01008U) is
specifically designed for intradermal injection
training and practice.
Fig 77.
Fig 78.