Current & Voltage Ratings
Alarm Output --------------------------------- Burg: 12 VDC, 2A (max.)
Fire: 12 VDC, 65 mA
Output Current Limiting -------------------- Burg/Fire: 2.25 A
AUX Power: 750 mA
Residential Burglary (4 Hour Standby)
Combined Standby Current: -------------- 500 mA
Bell Output: ----------------------------------- 2 A
(Using Rechargeable 12 VDC 4 AH BATTERY, minimal requirement)
Residential Fire (4 Hour Standby)
Combined Standby Current: -------------- 500 mA
Bell Output: ----------------------------------- 65 mA
(Using Rechargeable 12 VDC 4 AH BATTERY, minimal requirement)
Residential Fire (24 Hour Standby)
Combined Standby Current: -------------- 120 mA
Bell Output: ----------------------------------- 95 mA
(Using Rechargeable 12 VDC 7 AH BATTERY, minimal requirement)
Transformer and Battery
Required Transformer: -------------------- NAPCO TRF12 OR
Required Battery: --------------------------- 12V 4 AH or 7 AH Rechargeable
Change Battery every 5 years or as required
Maximum Charging Current: ------------- 165 mA
Maximum Input Current: ------------------- 2.58 A
Loop Characteristics
Loop Voltage: --------------------------------5 Volts
Loop Current : ---------------------------------Zones 1, 2, 3: 0.9 mA (2.2 K)
Zones 4, 5, 6: 0.5 mA (3.9 K)
Loop Resistance: -----------------------------100
per zone (max.)
Device Specifications
Max # keypads: -------------------------------4, GEM-RP8 current = 65 mA
Max # of receivers: --------------------------2, GEM-RECV-XP8
current = 65 mA each
Max # of compatible
2-wire smoke detectors : ------------------10
Max Keypad wire length : ----------------1000’ total wire length
Housing Dimensions : ---------------------11"
x 12
x 3"
(28 x 30.8 x 7.6) HxWxD
Shipping Weight: ---------------------------GEM-P800 5.5 lbs.
Operating Temperature: --------------------0-49ºC (32-120°F)