SFRA45 User Manual
Using Remote Control
The SFRA45 is fitted with an RS232 serial communications
port, a USB port and a LAN port as standard. All the
interfaces use the same ASCII protocol
Rx expects
Tx sends
carriage return
(line feed ignored)
carriage return
and line feed
All the functions of SFRA45 can be programmed via any of
the interfaces, and results read back.
The commands are not case sensitive and white space
characters are ignored (e.g. tabs and spaces). Replies
from the SFRA45 are always upper case, delimited by
Fields within a command are delimited by a comma,
multiple commands can be sent on one line delimited with
a semi-colon. Eg.
Mandatory commands specified in the IEEE488.2 protocol
have been implemented, (e.g. *IDN?, *RST) and all
commands that expect a reply are terminated with a
question mark.
Data values returned by the SFRA45 are in scientific
notation, with a 5 digit mantissa by default. For extra
resolution, this can be increased to 6 digits by setting the
resolution to ‘high’ in the REMOTE menu.
The SFRA45 maintains an error status byte consistent with
the requirements of the IEEE488.2 protocol (called the