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Microphone and Speaker (Figure 1)
The microphone in your MXD-LTE unit is sensitive enough to hear voice communication around corners
and in other rooms of your home. You do not need to be in the same room with the MXD-LTE unit for
the response center to hear you! Your MXD-LTE unit’s audio system is engineered to provide for an
increase of up to 83 times the normal volume.
Battery Monitoring
Your MXD-LTE unit is equipped with an internal rechargeable battery. The battery provides constant
power to your MXD-LTE unit for up to 27 hours if power is lost. The MXD-LTE constantly monitors its
battery condition when the unit is being powered by its battery. The MXD-LTE can also be
programmed to send notifications of when it is operating on battery power when that battery is getting
low, and when the battery is no longer able to continue powering the unit.
Please note:
the MXD-LTE’s
battery can only re-charge while the power switch is in the on (“I”) position.
Optional Features
Automatic Testing
Your MXD-LTE may be programmed by your provider to perform periodic automatic tests to monitor the
readiness of the system. Your service provider decides whether such tests will be conducted, how
frequent, and the type of tests to be done. These tests may include automatic voice tests, in which the
MXD-LTE sends a test signal to the response center and connects you to an attendant. The MXD-LTE
may also silently report the status of the cellular network, battery information, etc. Contact your service
provider if you have questions.
Manual Testing
It is recommended that you manually test your MXD-LTE at regular intervals (at least once monthly), by
pushing your PHB. When the response center answers, it’s important to inform them that you are
conducting a test. It is important to be familiar and comfortable with your MXD-LTE and your monitoring
Additional Accessories
Your MXD-LTE unit is easily paired to respond to multiple accessories or devices. Each device may be
assigned to one of many zones and each zone may be linked to several devices and device types.
Accessories include, but are not limited to, wall buttons, personal help buttons, medication dispensers,
Amazon’s Alexa, etc. Please see Pairing Accessories
or contact your service provider for more
AC Power Monitoring
Your MXD-LTE may be programmed to report automatic “AC Fail” and/or “AC Restore” messages to your
response center. Contact your service provider for additional information.